karma is a bitch 意思(karmaisabitch什么意思)
2024-05-04 19:20:01
来源: 编辑:姜建枫
大家好,小问来为大家解答以上问题。karma is a bitch 意思,karmaisabitch什么意思这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、faltervi., vt.蹒跚,踉跄,摇晃着行走"The sick man felt dizzy, faltered a few steps and then fell." "那病人感到头晕,摇摇晃晃地迈了几步就摔倒了。
2、"支吾,结巴地说出His voice began to falter at the mention of his sufferings in the old days. 一提到他在过去所受的痛苦他的声音就开始发颤。
3、"Her voice faltered, and then she lost consciousness." "她含糊不清地咕噜了几声,接着便失去了知觉。
4、"踌躇;迟疑;疲软His business is faltering. 他的生意在衰退。
5、He faltered and lost his chance again. "他犹豫不决,又丧失了一次机会。
6、"The manager never falters in his determination. 我们经理的决心从不动摇希望对你有所帮助哈。
以上就是【karma is a bitch 意思,karmaisabitch什么意思】相关内容。
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